Controls of Proterozoic Geotectonie Framework in China on Sedimentary Processes
Graphical Abstract
This paper deals with the relationship between the Precambrian geotectonic framework in China and sedimentary processes. During late Early Proterozoic, the Wutai Movement once led to the formation of aulacogens within the cratons in China which were filled with sedimentary-volcanic sequences with great thickness which were ascribed to the products of Luliang tectonic cycles. The Hutuo Group may represent the location of the troughs at that time. Later in Middle Proterozoic times, the cyclic deposits occurred on the margins of the ancient land. The Sibao Movement played an important part in the consolidation and overgrowth of the Late Proterozoic continental blocks in South China. The Sinian was formed right after the Jinning Movement. It is believed that South China was then in the arc-trench system on the active continental margins, whereas in North China. the northern borderland is thought to be the passive continental margins where the Sinian is generally absent. In addition, three glacial periods marked by the existence of the tills have been distinguished in northwestern China. The Sinian till beds in South China may also be related to the worldwide colder climate. It follows that the Proterozoic geotectonic framework may be very important for the sedimentary facies analysis and palaeogeographic reconstruction in China.