The global sea-level changes during the Permian
Graphical Abstract
The authors in this paper suggest, based on the previous date of Permian sediments, sequences and biostratigraphy in conjunction with worldwide sequence division and correla-tion, that there are at least six eustatic sea level events during the Permian which can be traced or correlated all over the world, Generally speaking, the Permian parts of Phanero-zoic eustatic sea-level cycle curves include two patterns or branches:the one is the so-called classical or Euramerican type which represents the overall sea-level fall characteristic of marine-nonmarine regressive successions, the other is defined as the Tethyan or South Chi-na type which points to the overall sea-level rise characteristic of transgressive carbonate rock or carbonate-siliceous rock successions. The eustatic sea-level curves mentioned above are closely related to the global tectonic and palaeogeographic frameworks.