Stable isotope compositions and their implications for ore genesis of vein tetrahedrite-type copper deposits
Graphical Abstract
A new type of copper deposits is discovered in the La n ping and Simao Basins.It is named after vein tetrahedrite-type copper deposits. δ13C values for carbonate vein and CO2 inclusions from the studied deposits range from-4‰ to -7 ‰,indicating mantle-derived carbon.Pb isotopic compositions for sulfides fr om the studied ores are comparable to those for feldspar Pb from the Himalayan alkaline rocks and 87Sr/86Sr ratios for calcite and ankerite are similar to or higher th an those for the Himalayan alkaline rocks,indicating mantle-derived Sr and Pb.Most of δ34S values for the sulfide from the studied ores range from 0 to-4‰,showing mantle-derived sulfur mixed with crustal sulfur.δD and δ18O values for water in fluid inclusions reveal that water in ore fluid are derived mainly from meteoric water,secondly,from magmatic water and metamorphic water.Combined with geologic-geochemical features,this paper puts forward that the wein tetrahedrite-type copper deposits belong to mixed mantle-crust hydrothermal genetic type of co pper deposits.