Advances in the research on the Xuelongshan ductile shear zone in Yunnan
Graphical Abstract
The metamorphic facies of the Xuelo ngshan metamorphic zo ne in Yunnan vary from the higher green schist facies to low er amphibolite facies.Regionally the metamo rphic zone is considered to be a ductile shear zone characteristic of thrusting and left-lateral slipping with a displacement distance of 9.4 km. The decrease in temperatures and pressures during the ductie shearing as indicated by fluid inclusion data suggests a retrogressive metamo rphism of the ductile shear zone.The structural-geochemical approaches also show that the ductile shearing might have exerted an important effect on the mig ration and enrichment of various elements.Therefore the studies of mig ration and enrichment of the elements in the tectonically deformed zones are definitely of theoretical and practical values to the prospecting and ex plo ration of ore deposits in the study area.