Current aspects of sequence stratigraphy of foreland basins
Graphical Abstract
The current aspects and unsolved problems about sequence stratigraphy of foreland basins are treated in this paper. The sequence stratigraphy of foreland basins may provide superb examples of applying the sequence stratigraphic theories to the basin analysis of tectonically active areas.The second-order sequences in foreland basins represent the products formed during different phases of the formation of foreland basins whereas the third-order sequences in foreland basins represent the products formed during different phases-of the development of foreland basins, the latter of which are not constrained-by global sea-level changes but related to the combination of regional tectonism in peribasinal orogenic zones, intrabasinal deposition and relative sea-level changes. The stratigraphic sequences in foreland basins have recorded a long and complex history of polycyclic sedimentary-tectonic evolution.