Discovery and significance of the palaeoseismic events in the Late Cretaceous Xixia and Xiaguan Basin
Graphical Abstract
The palaeoseismic events in the Late Cretaceous Xixia and Xiaguan Basin may fall into two categories: synsedimentary and diagenetic.The synsedimentary palaeoseismic events led to the formation of synsedimentary faults and breccias horizons,and exercised an important effect on the erosion of rivers.The diagenetic palaeoseismic events are manifested in the "smear" phenomena of conglomerates along the hanging wall of faults,rubbing of calcite crystals,and fault-bounded blocks which are different from the surrounding rocks.The study in this paper may provide useful approaches not only to the burial of dinosaur eggs but also to palaeogeography and palaeotectonic settings.