Classification and metallogenesis of metallogenic belts in Southeast Asia and the neighbouring southwestern part of China
Graphical Abstract
Five countries including Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia in Southeast Asia and the neighbouring southwestern part of China tectonically belong to the transitional zone between the eastern Tethyan tectonic domain and western Pacific tectonic domain. The complex tectonic evolution created the rich mineral resources in these areas. The examination of stratigraphy, tectonics, magmatism and ore deposits in Southeast Asia and the neighbouring southwestern part of China in recent years has disclosed that the study areas may be classified into two first-order metallogenic domains including the Tethyan and circum-Pacific metallogenic domains, three second-order metallogenic provinces including Yunnan-Myanmar-Malaysia, Indo-Sinian and Yangtze-Cathaysian metallogenic provinces, and 17 third-order metallogenic belts. The present paper gives a detailed description of the geology and metallogenesis in individual metallogenic belts in the study areas.