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    Cretaceous-Eogene Desert Facies in Southern Sichuan and Northern Guizhou and Its Significance
    Li Yuwen, Chen Leyao, Jiang Xinsheng
    1988, 8(6): 1-14.
    Abstract PDF
    A Discussion on the Stratigraphic Framework of Sedimentary Basins
    Ma Weijun
    1988, 8(6): 15-20.
    Abstract PDF
    Stable Isotope Preservation in Ancient Carbonate Rocks and Its Geological Applications
    Zhu Zhongfa
    1988, 8(6): 21-31.
    Abstract PDF
    A Sedimentary Model for Interfingering Clear-Water and Turbid-Water Deposits
    Wang Hongwei
    1988, 8(6): 32-37.
    Abstract PDF
    The Characteristics of Storm Current Deposits in the Proterozoic Fengshanying Formation,Huili Group,Sichuan
    Jiao Fengchen
    1988, 8(6): 38-42.
    Abstract PDF