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    Sedimentary response to tectonic events: Reconstructed spatio-temporal scale of the Indo-Asian continental collision and Qinghai-Xizang Plateau uplift
    YIN Hai-sheng, WANG Cheng-shan, LI Ya-lin, LIN Jin-hui, HOU Ming-cai
    2001, 21(2): 1-15.
    Abstract PDF
    The Gangdise island-arc granite zone along the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon, Xizang
    GENG Quan-ru, PAN Gui-tang, ZHENG Lai-lin, LIU Yu-ping, SUN Zhi-ming, OU Chun-sheng, WANG Xiao-w ei
    2001, 21(2): 16-22.
    Abstract PDF
    Applications of the atmospheric propagation delay to the GAMIT software
    ZHANG Qing-zhi
    2001, 21(2): 23-30.
    Abstract PDF
    Sequence stratigraphy of shallow-marine shelf environments
    LIU Hao, WANG Ying-min, WANG Yuan, ZHANG Shao-nan
    2001, 21(2): 31-38.
    Abstract PDF
    Depositional systems and filling patterns of the Tertiary Qaidam lake basin in the Ganchaigou region, Qinghai
    FU Guo-min, LI Yong-jun, DENG Ying
    2001, 21(2): 39-47.
    Abstract PDF
    Advances in the research on the Xuelongshan ductile shear zone in Yunnan
    SUN Zhi-ming, LI Xing-zhen, SHEN Gan-fu, DU De-xun, JIANG Xinsheng
    2001, 21(2): 48-56.
    Abstract PDF
    Geological factors affecting reservoir permeability of the Upper Shaximiao Formation in the Xinchang gas field, western Sichuan
    LU Zheng-xiang, QING Chun
    2001, 21(2): 57-63.
    Abstract PDF
    Medium-deep gas accumulation and exploration prospects in the Jinma-Juyuan district, Sichuan
    WEI Li-min, CAO Lie, ZHU Tong, XIE Xiao-jing
    2001, 21(2): 64-71.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemistry of the dysaerobic sedimentary environments of the Qixia Formation in Laibing, Guangxi
    SHI Chun-hua, HUANG Qiu, YAN Jia-xin
    2001, 21(2): 72-77.
    Abstract PDF
    Advances in stratigraphy and paleontology in Coqen, Xizang with discussions on the role of paleontology in the geological surveying
    SHI He, MA Run-ze, TAO Xiao-feng, HU Xin-w ei, LIAO Chong-gao, LIU Deng-zhong
    2001, 21(2): 78-83.
    Abstract PDF
    Trace fossil types from the Lower Cretaceous strata and palaeoclimates in the Minhe Basin
    CAI Xiong-fei, LI Chang-an, ZHAN Che-sheng
    2001, 21(2): 84-90.
    Abstract PDF
    Sequence stratigraphy and composite sea-level changes in the Zha'ertaishan Group, Guyang, Inner Mongol
    HU Jian-zhong, PAN Yong-sheng
    2001, 21(2): 91-100.
    Abstract PDF
    The formation and evolution of the Jiama intra-arc basin in Xizang
    PENG Yong-min, YAO Peng, LI Jin-gao
    2001, 21(2): 101-107.
    Abstract PDF
    On the highlights of agricultural geology
    LI M ing-hui, LIANG Xiao-long, GAI Yu-guo
    2001, 21(2): 108-112.
    Abstract PDF