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    The gypsolith and its bearings on the oil and gas exploration in the Qiangtang Basin in northern Xizang and southern Qinghai
    LUO Jian-ning, ZHU Zhong-fa, XIE Yuan, YE He-fei, TONG Zhen-yan, SHEN Qi-ming
    2003, 23(2): 1-8.
    Abstract PDF
    Carbon stable isotopes of the Upper Cretaceous marine carbonate rocks in the Gamba region, southern Xizang
    CUI Jie, WANG Cheng-shan
    2003, 23(2): 9-13.
    Abstract PDF
    Triassic sedimentary basins and paleontological features on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau
    CHEN Ming, YANG Heng-shu
    2003, 23(2): 14-19.
    Abstract PDF
    Jiejunazhuo Formation: a Pliocene lithostratigraphic unit in the Coqen region, Xizang
    SHI He, TAO Xiao-feng, MA Run-ze, LIU Deng-zhong, HU Xin-wei
    2003, 23(2): 20-22.
    Abstract PDF
    The implications and method for the geomorphochronological approaches to the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in the 1: 250 000 geological survey
    BAI Dao-yuan, HE Chun-ping, WU Neng-jie, LUO Ling-sheng
    2003, 23(2): 23-27.
    Abstract PDF
    The palaeomagnetic study of the collision and collage of major land-masses in the Nujiang-Lancangjiang-Jinshajiang area in western Yunnan and eastern Xizang
    LI Peng-wu, GAO Rui, CUI Jun-wen, GUAN Ye
    2003, 23(2): 28-34.
    Abstract PDF
    New evidences for the presence of the NS-trending extensional structures in northwestern China: An example from the Early Cretaceous half-graben fault depressions in Jiuquan, Gansu
    LI Fen-qi
    2003, 23(2): 35-42.
    Abstract PDF
    Quaternary environmental changes in western Qilian Mountains, Gansu
    LI Qi-lin, WANG Xiao-wei
    2003, 23(2): 43-47.
    Abstract PDF
    Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary facies in the Hefei Basin
    CHEN Jian-ping, ZHONG Jian-hua, RAO Meng-yu, JI Guo-sheng
    2003, 23(2): 48-53.
    Abstract PDF
    Sequence stratigraphy of the Permian strata in the Simao Basin, Yunnan
    WEI Hong-chun, MOU Chuan-long, TAN Qin-yin, YU Qian
    2003, 23(2): 54-57.
    Abstract PDF
    The glacigenous rocks from the Sinian Nantuo Formation in the Xiushui district, Jiangxi
    ZHANG Xiong-hua, ZHANG Ze-jun, CAI Xiong-fei
    2003, 23(2): 58-61.
    Abstract PDF
    The Carboniferous -Permian source rocks in the Songliao Basin
    YU He-zhong, CAI Xi-yuan, HAN Shou-hua, XU Yun-jun
    2003, 23(2): 62-66.
    Abstract PDF
    The exploration plays and proposals for the Jiangling depression, Hubei
    TONG Xiao-lan, LU M ing-guo, LIAO Zhong-li, JIANG Xiao-hong
    2003, 23(2): 67-70.
    Abstract PDF
    Oil and gas accumulation and exploration potential in the TangzhuangOil Field, Shandong
    LI Ji-hui, XIE Yuan-jun, XU Jian-hua, WANG Si-wen, LI Ya-hui, LIANG Jian-jun, SUN De-kuan
    2003, 23(2): 71-75.
    Abstract PDF
    The oil and gas migration in the Baise Basin, Guangxi
    LUO Yi, LI Xue-zhu, XUE Xiu-li
    2003, 23(2): 76-81.
    Abstract PDF
    Lead and sulfur isotopic tracing of the ore-forming material from the Baiyangping copper-silver polymetallic deposit in Lanping, Yunnan
    WANG Feng, HE Ming-you
    2003, 23(2): 82-85.
    Abstract PDF
    The ore controls on the Dongkeng gold deposit in Guangdong
    FANG Yue-xin, WU Xi-dan
    2003, 23(2): 86-89.
    Abstract PDF
    The 3-D velocity structures of the Eurasian mantle based on the body wave tomography
    CHENG Xian-qiong, ZHU Jie-shou, CAI Xue-lin
    2003, 23(2): 90-94.
    Abstract PDF
    The three-dimensional pressure prediction of the Xinchang Gas Field in western Sichuan
    TANG Yun, QIU Hua, GAN Qi-gang
    2003, 23(2): 95-97.
    Abstract PDF
    Stratigraphic base level: An overview
    LIU Hao, WANG Ying-min, WANG Yuan
    2003, 23(2): 98-104.
    Abstract PDF