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    Some aspects of the geology, tectonics and mineral resources in the Qiangtang-Hol Xil region, western China
    YONG Yong-yuan
    2004, 24(1): 1-12.
    Abstract PDF
    The Shiquan River ophiolitic mélange zone in Xizang: The delineation and significance of a new archipelagic are-basin system
    ZHENG You-ye, XU Rong-ke, HE Lai-xin, GONG Quan-sheng, CI Qiong
    2004, 24(1): 13-20.
    Abstract PDF
    The Carboniferous sedimentary facies and sequence stratigraphy in the Gyironggou in Gyirong, Xizang
    WEI Wen-tong, ZHANG Zhen-li, SUN Xiao, LIU Hong-zhang, LI Jin-he, TIAN Li-fu
    2004, 24(1): 21-26.
    Abstract PDF
    The ultrabasic and basic rocks and their tectonic settings in the Qoimaco region, Qiangtang on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau
    LI Li, BAI Yun-shan, NIU Zhi-jun, YAO Hua-zhou, DUAN Qi-fa
    2004, 24(1): 27-34.
    Abstract PDF
    The apatite fission track analysis applied to the exploration of the uplifting of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau
    BAI Dao-yuan, JIA Bao-hua, WANG Xian-hui
    2004, 24(1): 35-40.
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery and significance of the corsite in the southern Altun fault, Xinjiang
    PEI Zhong-chao, DING Li, QIN Shuang, QU Jin, ZHAO Zhi-qiang
    2004, 24(1): 41-45.
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of the Middle Devonian plant fossils from the Yushu region in Qinghai
    DUAN Qi-fa, WANG Jian-xiong, HE Long-qing, ZHANG Ren-jie, GAN Jin-mu, ZENG Bo-fu
    2004, 24(1): 46-48.
    Abstract PDF
    Paleogene-Neogene deposits in the Tongtian River Basin, Qinghai and their geological implications
    BAI Xian-zhou, LI Yong, LI Ya-lin, DUAN Zhi-ming, WANG Mou, ZHANG Yu-xiu
    2004, 24(1): 49-55.
    Abstract PDF
    The application of the apatite fission track dating to the geothermal history in the northern piedmont zone of the Turpan depression, (Xinjiang)
    JIN Wei, LIU Yi-qun, WANG Cheng-shan
    2004, 24(1): 56-61.
    Abstract PDF
    The Middle Permian carbonate rock microfacies in the Wansheng district, Chongqing
    LIN Liang-biao, ZHU Li-dong, ZHU Li-juan
    2004, 24(1): 62-69.
    Abstract PDF
    Nappe structures in the Jinpingshan area, Sichuan and their geological implications
    LI Sheng
    2004, 24(1): 70-77.
    Abstract PDF
    Grain-size distribution and palaeoenvironmental significance for the Neogene red clay in the middle reaches of the Huanghe River: An example from the Laogaochuan section in Fugu, Shaanxi
    LIU Yan-lin, YUE Le-ping, Palati
    2004, 24(1): 78-83.
    Abstract PDF
    Petrology and diagenesis of the low permeable reservoir rocks from the Paleogene Shahejie Formation in central Bonan Oil Field, Shandong
    LI Hai-yan, PENG Shi-mi, HUANG Shu-wang
    2004, 24(1): 84-90.
    Abstract PDF
    The genetic classification and evaluation of the Lower Ordovician carbonate reservoirs in the Tahe Oil Field, Xinjiang
    LIU Cun-ge, LI Guo-rong, WU Yong
    2004, 24(1): 91-96.
    Abstract PDF
    Paleogene-Neogene filling sequences and sedimentary environments in the Gunan sag, Shengli Oil Field, Shandong
    LU Guang-jun
    2004, 24(1): 97-104.
    Abstract PDF
    The gas reservoirs in the Upper Jurassic Penglaizhen Formation in the Xindu gas field, western Sichuan
    DENG Li
    2004, 24(1): 105-108.
    Abstract PDF