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    Subaerial chemical weathering in the Changjiang drainage systems on eastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau
    Qin Jian-hua, Ran Jing, Du Gu
    2007, 27(4): 1-6.
    Abstract PDF
    An pplication of the geochemical fast evaluation method to the delineation of the prospecting targets in Garze, Sichuan
    GAO Jian-hua, FAN Wen-yu, ZHANG Lin-kui
    2007, 27(4): 7-10.
    Abstract PDF
    Establishment and significance of the Lower Cretaceous Banbar Formation in the Banbar-Lhorong region, Xizang
    TIAN Li-fu, ZHU Cai-fa, XIANG Shu-yuan, Zerenzhaxi, CHEN Jie
    2007, 27(4): 11-16.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemistry and implications for the source areas and weathering in the Shaximiao Formation, Zigong, Sichuan
    WANG Quan-wei, LIANG Bin, KAN Ze-zhong
    2007, 27(4): 17-21.
    Abstract PDF
    Current advances in the geological survey in the Gongshan region, northwestern Yunnan
    HU Jian-jun, ZHU Yan-zhe, YAN Cheng-min, LI Qiu-ping
    2007, 27(4): 22-26.
    Abstract PDF
    Trace element signatures of the Carboniferous -Permian deposits in the Bohai Gulf Basin and their facies significance
    MIAO Yao, SANG Shu-xun, LIN Hui-xi, CHEN Shi-yue, LI Jun, YANG Yong
    2007, 27(4): 27-32.
    Abstract PDF
    Provenance analysis of the Palaeogene strata in the Huizhou depression, Zhujiangkou Basin, Guangdong
    LI Xiao-yu, ZHENG Rong-cai, WEI Qinlian
    2007, 27(4): 33-38.
    Abstract PDF
    Sequence stratigraphic correlation and framework in the Dongying Formation, Gubei-Zhuanghai region, Shandong
    LIN Hui-xi, TIAN Jingchun, TAN Xian-feng, MENG Wan-bin, LIN Xiao-bing, ZHANG Xiaobing, NIE Yong-sheng
    2007, 27(4): 39-44.
    Abstract PDF
    Short-term base-level cycles and reservoir genesis on the delta front in the Changwu region, Shaanxi
    CHEN Jin-rong
    2007, 27(4): 45-49.
    Abstract PDF
    Penecontemporaneous diagenesis of the carbonate rocks in a sequence stratigraphic framework:An example from the Lower and Middle Ordovician carbonate rocks in the Lunnan palaeouplift, Xinjian
    LIN Xiao-bing, WANG Zhen-yu, TIAN Jing-chun, TAN Xiu-cheng
    2007, 27(4): 50-55.
    Abstract PDF
    Tectonic movement and sedimentary evolution in the Zhezkazgan region, Chu-Saleisu Basin, Kazakstan
    WAN Wei, Fu Heng, HUANG Hai-ping, XU Xiao-song
    2007, 27(4): 56-62.
    Abstract PDF
    The Cretaceous strata in the Vientiane region in Laos
    WU Jun, ZHU Yan-zhe, YAN Cheng-min, FENG Ming-gang, LI Qiu-ping
    2007, 27(4): 63-68.
    Abstract PDF
    Discusses on the evolution of the Moho spheroids
    YANG Zong-rang, DENG Jin-li
    2007, 27(4): 69-73.
    Abstract PDF
    The Fubian River fault activity near the Jinchuan hydropower station, Dadu River, Sichuan
    LIU Wei-liang, YANG Zhen-fa, GU Man, WU De-chao, WANG Dao-yong
    2007, 27(4): 74-79.
    Abstract PDF
    Concealed oil pools and their exploration potential in the Chexi region, Jiyang depression, Shandong
    CHE Jing-hu, LIN Cheng-yan
    2007, 27(4): 80-84.
    Abstract PDF
    Neogene reservoirs and hydrocarbon accumulation in the Laoyemiao Oil Field, Nanpu depression, Hebei
    LI Hong-yi, JIANG Zhen-xue, DONG Yue-xia, MA Qian, WANG Xu-dong, LIU Xiao
    2007, 27(4): 85-90.
    Abstract PDF
    Geology of the Chongmuda copper deposit in Sangri, southern Xizang
    HE Ming-hua, HUANG Bo, YU Heng-xiang, LOU Feng
    2007, 27(4): 91-98.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemistry of the Eocene-ligocene porphyry in the Narigongma region, Qinghai
    ZHOU Wei, WANG Yu-de, CAO De-zhi, WANG Yi-zhi, WANG Yong-wen
    2007, 27(4): 99-105.
    Abstract PDF
    The preliminary study of the distribution of the landslide geological hazards in Danba, Sichuan
    DUAN Li-ping, CHEN Qi-guo, TANG Ye-qi
    2007, 27(4): 106-110.
    Abstract PDF