Tectonic movement and sedimentary evolution in the Zhezkazgan region, Chu-Saleisu Basin, Kazakstan
Graphical Abstract
The Upper Palaeozoic sedimentary evolution is explained on the basis of the tectonic movements, dynamic mechanisms and sedimentary strata in the Zhezkazgan region, Saleisu Basin, Kazakstan. The authors in this paper suggest that the Zhezkazgan region went through the following stages of sedimentary evolution throughout the Late Palaeozoic:the volcanic basin during the Early and Middle Devonian (the early stage of basin initiation), the littoral alluvial plain and restricted platform during the Late Devonian, the stage of platform with platform-margin slope and shelf during the Early Carboniferous (transgression period), the marine mixed with continental delta during the Middle and Late Carboniferous (regression period), the playa during the Early Permian (dry climatic period), and finally the salt lake during the Late Permian.