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    Palaeogene sequence stratigraphy and subtle hydrocarbon exploration in the Maxi region,Raoyang depression,Hebei
    ZHANG Da-zhi, JI You-liang, GU Jia-yu, CHU Li-lan, JI Li-dan
    2009, 29(2): 1-7.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary facies types and models for the Neogene deposits on the northern slope of the Chengning uplift
    CHEN Rong, LI Yong, QIU Dong-zhou
    2009, 29(2): 8-14.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary characteristics of the 1st member of the Middle Jurassic Yan’an Formation in western Mahuangshan,Ordos Basin
    XU Shen-mou, LIN Chun-ming, CHEN Zhao-you, ZHANG Zhi-ping, LI Yan-li, YUE Xin-dong, ZHANG Xia, QI Bin-wen
    2009, 29(2): 15-24.
    Abstract PDF
    Tectonic subsidence and evolution of the Gaoyou depression in northern Jiangsu Basin during the Late Cretaceous to the Cenozoic
    NENG Yuan, YANG Qiao, ZHANG Ke-xin, REN Hong-min, ZHENG Yuan-cai
    2009, 29(2): 25-32.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary facies of the manganese-bearing strata in the Falang Formation,southeastern Yunnan
    LI Sheng-jun, YI Hai-sheng, MA Xue, XIA Guo-qing, RONG Jian-feng, DA Xue-juan
    2009, 29(2): 33-38.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary microfacies of the eighth member of the lower Shihezi Formation in northern Sulige Gas Field,Ordos Basin
    CHEN Zhao-rong, HOU Ming-cai, DONG Gui-yu, TAN Wan-cang
    2009, 29(2): 39-47.
    Abstract PDF
    Sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary systems in the second and third members of the Qingshankou Formation in the Yingtai region,Songliao Basin
    HE Yun-long, DU Xue-bin, SU Ming, LI Jing, GUO Ying-chun
    2009, 29(2): 48-54.
    Abstract PDF
    Biomarkers of the phosphorites and their indicators of the sedimentary environments of the Doushantuo Formation in Weng’an,Guizhou
    MI Wen-tian, LIN Li, ZHOU Yu-hua, FU Xiu-gen, MA Ye-qing
    2009, 29(2): 55-59.
    Abstract PDF
    High-resolution sequences and reservoirs in the Upper Triassic strata of B block in Algeria
    WANG Chang-yong, ZHENG Rong-cai, HU Zhong-gui, ZHOU Qi, WANG Jian-guo
    2009, 29(2): 60-65.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of the Ma-541 carbonate reservoirs in northern Jingbian Gas Field,Ordos basin
    DONG Shao-feng, CHEN Hong-de, ZHAO Jun-xing, GAO Xing, HUANG Ke-xian
    2009, 29(2): 66-70.
    Abstract PDF
    Reservoir-seal associations in the shallow sequence stratigraphic framework in northern Songliao Basin
    WANG Gai-yun, WANG Ying-min, HAN Jian-hui, ZHANG Lei, LIAO Fei-yan
    2009, 29(2): 71-76.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemistry and accumulation of the Upper Palaeozoic natural gas in the Sulige Gas Field,Ordos Basin
    LIN Liang-biao, LIN Hong-bin, HOU Ming-cai, CHEN Hong-de, DONG Gui-yu
    2009, 29(2): 77-82.
    Abstract PDF
    Fluid inclusions and their applications to hydrocarbon infilling in the hydrocarbon reservoirs from the second member of the Xujiahe Formation in western Sichuan depression
    HUANG Qiang
    2009, 29(2): 83-85.
    Abstract PDF
    Division and correlation of the Jurassic strata in the Garze-Litang structural zone,western Sichuan and its adjacent areas
    WANG Quan-wei, WANG Kang-ming, KAN Ze-zhong, LIANG Bin, DAI Zong-minng, ZENG Yi-yun
    2009, 29(2): 86-92.
    Abstract PDF
    Late Palaeozoic tectonic evolution and basin prototype in southern China
    LI Feng-jie, ZHENG Rong-cai, ZHOU Xiao-jin, ZHAO Jun-xing, JIANG Bin
    2009, 29(2): 93-99.
    Abstract PDF
    Indosinian movement in Guizhou
    QIN Shou-rong, ZHANG Ming-fa, GONG Mei, KUANG Zhong
    2009, 29(2): 100-103.
    Abstract PDF
    Applications of the Quickbird satellite images to the recognition of the rock avalanches in Xiaobao,Hanyuan,Sichuan
    ZHANG Jing-hua, ZHANG Jian-long
    2009, 29(2): 104-106.
    Abstract PDF
    Carbon and oxygen isotopic evolution in the carbonate rocks from the Wumishan Formation in Lingyuan,western Liaoning
    LI Xin, LUO Shun-she, KUANG Hong-wei, SU Jie, YIN Xiao
    2009, 29(2): 107-111.
    Abstract PDF