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    Sedimentary facies and palaeogeography of the North China region during the Ordovician
    CHEN Xiao-wei, MOU Chuan-long, ZHOU Ken-ken, KANG Jian-wei, WANG Qi-yu, GE Xiang-ying, LIANG Wei
    2015, 35(4): 1-11.
    Abstract PDF
    The 1st and 2nd members of the Shahejie Formation in No. 428 uplifted area,Bohai Sea: Sedimentary systems and their controlling factors
    WANG Qi-ming, DU Xiao-feng, JIA Dong-hui, WAN Liang-wei
    2015, 35(4): 12-16.
    Abstract PDF
    High-precision sequence stratigraphic framework and sedimentary system evolution in the middle submember of the 3rd member of the Shahejie Formation in the Laizhouwan depression
    WANG Gai-wei, DU Xiao-feng, JIA Dong-hui, WANG Qi-ming, DENG Ji-feng
    2015, 35(4): 17-24.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary characteristics of the delta sandstones from the Chang-9 oil reservoirs in the Yanchang Formation,Ordos Basin
    DING Xiong, TIAN Jing-chun, YAO Jing-li, YU Hang-hang, LUO An-xiang
    2015, 35(4): 25-34.
    Abstract PDF
    The Dalong Formation section in Changjianggou,Guangyuan,Sichuan: Sedimentary characteristics and their bearings on the source rocks
    CHEN Bin, CAI Xiong-fei, FENG Qing-lai, GU Song-zhu
    2015, 35(4): 35-43.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary environments of the Maotai Formation in Guizhou
    QIN Shou-rong, ZHANG Ming-fa, KUANG Zhong, HUANG Xin-xin, HUANG Wen-jun
    2015, 35(4): 44-47.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary model for the organic reefs from the Lower Cretaceous Shuaiba Formation in the United Arab Emirates
    ZHANG Xin, XIE Nan, CAO Zi-qiang
    2015, 35(4): 48-51.
    Abstract PDF
    High-energy shoals and the controls of the gas enrichment in northern Fuling,Chongqing
    ZHANG Kuang-ming, WANG Liang-jun, DUAN Jin-bao, TANG De-hai
    2015, 35(4): 52-59.
    Abstract PDF
    Diagenesis of the deep-seated fine-grained clastic reservoirs: An example from the 3rd member of the Funing Formation in the Zhangjiaduo Oil Field,Subei Basin
    HAN Mei-mei, DING Xiao-qi, ZHANG Shao-nan, CHEN Qian-qian
    2015, 35(4): 60-67.
    Abstract PDF
    Low-porosity and low-permeability hydrocarbon reservoirs and their controlling factors in the Chang-6 and Chang-8 members of the Yanchang Formation in the Fuxian region,Ordos Basin
    XIONG Zhi-qiang, ZHONG Jian-hua, LI Yong, WANG Shu-bao, LIU Shao-guang
    2015, 35(4): 68-76.
    Abstract PDF
    Architectural boundaries of the fan delta front reservoirs in the quadrant Jin-99 of the Liaohe Oil Field,Liaoning
    LAN Zhi-qin, YANG Shao-chun, WANG Yan
    2015, 35(4): 77-84.
    Abstract PDF
    LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb ages for pisolitic welded tuff from the bottom of the Neoproterozoic Suxiong Formation in western Sichuan and their geological significance
    ZHUO Jie-wen, JIANG Xin-sheng, WANG Jian, CUI Xiao-zhuang, WU Hao, XIONG Guo-qing, LU Jun-ze, JIANG Zhuo-fei
    2015, 35(4): 85-91.
    Abstract PDF
    Conversion of tectonic regimes from compression to extension in the Bangong Lake area,Xizang during the Late Cretaceous: Evidence from magmatic rocks
    QIN Ya-dong, LI De-wei, LIN Shi-liang, JIANG Dan, LIU De-min, ZHANG Shuo
    2015, 35(4): 92-105.
    Abstract PDF
    Current advances in the research of turbidity current deposits: Reinterpretation of the Bouma sequence and submarine fan deposits
    LI Li-yang
    2015, 35(4): 106-112.
    Abstract PDF