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    Mineralization of the carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposits in the SichuanYunnan-Guizhou area, southwestern China
    QIN Jian-hua, LIAO Zhen-wen, ZHU Si-bao, LAI Yang
    2016, 36(1): 1-13.
    Abstract PDF
    The controls of the palaeogeographic environments on manganese deposits in eastern Guizhou during the early Datangpoan (Nanhuan)
    HE Jing-yang, XIAO Jia-fei
    2016, 36(1): 14-22.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemistry and provenance analysis of the Daheishan bauxite deposit in Huize, Yunnan
    WANG Zheng-jiang, GUO Ting-ting, YU Sai-ying, CHENG Yan-xun, ZHANG Chun-bo, ZHANG Yu-dong
    2016, 36(1): 23-29.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Permian metabasalts in the Jianglang dome, western Sichuan
    CHEN Dao-qian, ZHANG Hui-hua, FENG Xiao-liang, TANG Gao-lin, DAI Yan-pei, LI Tongzhu
    2016, 36(1): 30-37.
    Abstract PDF
    Breccias from the Jienagepu Au-Sb deposit in the Lhunze region, southern Xizang: Characteristics and geological implications
    XIAO Yu, LI Guang-ming, SONG Xu-bo, LIANG Wei
    2016, 36(1): 38-45.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemistry and sedimentary environments of the Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation in Guangyuan, northern Sichuan and Zhenba, southern Shaanxi
    SUN Xiao-yong, MOU Chuan-long, GE Xiang-ying, WANG Yuan-chong, MEN Xin
    2016, 36(1): 46-54.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary facies and palaeogeography of northern Qilian area during the Middle Cambrian
    TAN Zhi-yuan, MOU Chuan-long, WANG Qi-yu, CHEN Xiao-wei, GE Xiang-ying, HOU Qian
    2016, 36(1): 55-61.
    Abstract PDF
    Discovery and geological significance of the Holocene seismites in the Jinsha site in Chengdu, Sichuan
    HE Bi, ZHU Li-dong, YANG Wen-guang, FU Shun, ZHANG Qing, TAO Gang, LI Chao, LI Du-wen, TIAN Guang-long, XIE Long
    2016, 36(1): 62-69.
    Abstract PDF
    Clay minerals and their palaeoclimatic indicators in the Mawo karst basin in Weining, Guizhou
    REN Zeng-ying, WU Pan, CAO Xing-Xing
    2016, 36(1): 70-76.
    Abstract PDF
    Planation surfaces in the Three Yangtze Gorges area: Evidences from the Cretaceous to Quaternary deposits in the Yichang region, Hubei
    WANG Jin-yuan, XIANG Fang, ZHANG Yao, WANG Yu-wan
    2016, 36(1): 77-84.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary facies evolution in the lower submember of the third member of the Shahejie Formation in the Wei-2 block, Weicheng Oil Field, Dongpu depression
    GONG Xian-feng
    2016, 36(1): 85-89.
    Abstract PDF
    Multiple provenance analysis of the Chao 84-6 well area during the deposition of the 4th member of the Quantou Formation in the Central depression, Songliao Basin
    WANG Peng-yan, LI Yao-hua
    2016, 36(1): 90-97.
    Abstract PDF
    Reservoir characteristics and controlling factors in the 4th member of the Xujiahe Formation in the Xinchang structural zone, western Sichuan
    ZHANG Shun-li, SONG Xiu-zhang, LU Zheng-xiang, YANG Xiang, Qing Yuan-hua
    2016, 36(1): 98-103.
    Abstract PDF
    Provenance types and controlling factors of the 4th member of the Xujiahe Formation in the Yuanba-Tongnanba area, northeastern Sichuan
    PAN Lei, SHEN Ji-shan, HAO Jing-yu
    2016, 36(1): 104-108.
    Abstract PDF
    The susceptibility of the shale gas resources abundances based on the grey association analysis
    YANG Yu-ning, WANG Jian
    2016, 36(1): 109-112.
    Abstract PDF