Breccias from the Jienagepu Au-Sb deposit in the Lhunze region, southern Xizang: Characteristics and geological implications
Graphical Abstract
The Jienagepu Au-Sb deposit as a newly discovered potential Au-Sb deposit resides in the eastern part of the Himalayan Pb-Zn-Au-Sb metallogenic belt in southern Xizang. The breccias are found to be well developed in the Jienagepu Au-Sb mining district, and may be classified, on the basis of detailed petrographic studies, into three types:sedimentary breccias, fault breccias and karst-structural breccias. The sedimentary breccias were accumulated in the rapidly deposited environments associated with debris flows during the Jurassic. The fault breccias and karst-structural breccias are considered as the host rocks of Au and Sb mineralization, and thus may be selected as the prospecting criteria for the Pb-Zn and Au-Sb deposits in the study area.