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    Geochemical signatures and tectonic setting of monzogranites in the Lawu ore deposit, Damxung, Xizang
    LAN Shuang-shuang, LI Guang-ming, MA Dong-fang, DONG Lei
    2016, 36(3): 1-7.
    Abstract PDF
    The geology and exploration potential of the Liwu-type copper-rich deposits in western Sichuan
    LI Tong-zhu, FENG Xiao-liang, DAI Yan-pei, ZHANG Hui-hua, TANG Gao-lin
    2016, 36(3): 8-15.
    Abstract PDF
    Basalts from the Mazhala area in southern Xizang: Geochemistry, petrogenesis and geological implications
    DONG Lei, LI Guang-ming, LI Ying-xu, DAI Zuo-wen
    2016, 36(3): 16-24.
    Abstract PDF
    Electrical properties and geological interpretation of the Mazhala goldantimony deposit in southern Xizang
    WU Jian-yang, LI Yong-can, LIU Hong, LI Ying-xu, ZHANG Lin-kui, DONG Lei
    2016, 36(3): 25-29.
    Abstract PDF
    REE geochemistry and sedimentary-tectonic setting of the Early Carboniferous black rock series in southern Guizhou
    ZHANG Hai-quan, WANG Zheng-he, WANG He, LIU Wei
    2016, 36(3): 30-36.
    Abstract PDF
    Grain size analysis and environmental evolution indicated by the ZK01 borehole samples in the Changjiang delta since the latest glacial maximum
    DENG Cheng-wen, ZHANG Xia, LIN Chun-ming, XU Zhen-yu, YU Jin
    2016, 36(3): 37-46.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary microfacies and evolution of the 4th member of the Quantou Formation in the Yongping region, southern Songliao Basin
    WU Liang-jun, ZHAO Da-lin, LU Shi-cong, WANG Fu-kui, WANG De-hai
    2016, 36(3): 47-59.
    Abstract PDF
    Division and sedimentary models for the Palaeogene gypsum mudstones in the Kuqa depression, Xinjiang
    WANG Bin, LEI GANG-lin, WU Chao, MO Tao, ZHOU Peng, SHANG Jiang-wei, XIE Ya-ni, LI Meng-yuan
    2016, 36(3): 60-65.
    Abstract PDF
    Provenance and tectonic setting of the Mesozoic to Cenozoic sedimentary rocks around the western Bogeda Mountains, Xinjiang
    ZHAO Heng, LI Yan-jie, GUAN Bao-wen, GUO Jian-ming, ZHENG You-wei, XU Shiyang, ZHENG Jian-jing
    2016, 36(3): 66-76.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary environmental and stratigraphic analysis of the sensitive grain size components from the Dalai Nur Lake deposits, Inner Mongolia
    YU Rui-xue, LI Chang-you, LI Wen-bao, ZHEN Zhi-lei, ZHAO Sheng-nan, ZHANG Shuai
    2016, 36(3): 77-82.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary characteristics and evolution of the braided delta deposits in the second member of the Dainan Formation in northern Gaoyou depression, Jiangsu
    LI Kun, DONG Gui-yu, ZHANG Zhen-guo, QIU Yong-feng, BI Tian-zhuo, ZHANG Li-chun
    2016, 36(3): 83-90.
    Abstract PDF
    Controls of sedimentary environments on shale gas reservoirs: A case study of the Wufeng and Longmaxi Formations in northeastern Chongqing
    YANG Yu-ning, WANG Jian, XIONG Guo-qing
    2016, 36(3): 91-97.
    Abstract PDF
    Architectures and responses of physical properties of the unconformity in the uppermost part of the Palaeogene strata in the Yongbei region, Dongying depression
    CAO Ying-chang, WANG Zhu-kun, WANG Yan-zhong, LI Yu-zhi, ZHAO Bo
    2016, 36(3): 98-103.
    Abstract PDF
    Seismic facies and the distribution of the intraplatform shoals in the Ordovician Yingshan Formation in the Ka-1 three-dimensional seismic area, Central Tarim Basin, Xinjiang
    ZHANG Jin-fu, YU Bing-song, QI Zhao-lin, BAI Zhong-kai, RUAN Zhuang, LI Li-ran
    2016, 36(3): 104-112.
    Abstract PDF