Electrical properties and geological interpretation of the Mazhala goldantimony deposit in southern Xizang
Graphical Abstract
Two profiles AMT1 and AMT2 for the audio-frequency magnetotelluric sounding and three apparent resistivity joint profiles PR1, PR2 and PR3 are established in the selected favourable exploration areas. The contrast between the resistivity joint profiling and audio-frequency magnetotelluric sounding along one exploratory line of the Mazhala gold-antimony deposit in southern Xizang indicates that the electrical properties are characterized by being higher in the northern and southern parts or in the deep-seated parts, and lower in the central parts or in the shallower parts. The authors contend that the favourable exploration areas may be delineated at the junctions of the nearly EW-trending faults, NW-trending faults and nearly NS-trending faults. Much attention will also be drawn to the nearly EW-trending north-dipping faults in the low-resistivity areas in the central part of the AMT1-PR3 profile in the study area.