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    Stratigraphic classification in the Nujiang-Lancangjiang-Jinshajiang orogenic zone in southwestern China
    YIN Fu-guang, WANG Dong-bing, WANG Bao-di, REN Fei
    2017, 37(4): 1-8.
    Abstract PDF
    Oceanic plate stratigraphy and tectonic evolution of the Nujiang-Lancangjiang-Jinshajiang area in southwestern China
    REN Fei, PAN Gui-tang, YIN Fu-guang, CHANG Meng-yao, XIAO Qing-hui
    2017, 37(4): 9-16.
    Abstract PDF
    LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb age and geochemical signatures of the amphibolites in the Changning-Menglian suture zone and its geological implications
    WANG Dong-bing, LUO Liang, TANG Yuan, YIN Fu-guang, WANG Bao-di, WANG Li-quan
    2017, 37(4): 17-28.
    Abstract PDF
    The Shale granites from the southern part of the Lancangjiang tectonic belt,western Yunnan: Zircon U-Pb age,geochemistry and geological implications
    LIU Jun-ping, TIAN Su-mei, CONG Feng, SUN Bai-dong, HUANG Xiao-ming, XU Yun-fei
    2017, 37(4): 29-40.
    Abstract PDF
    Tectonic setting of the Beiwu basalts from Yangla,northwestern Yunnan: An approach
    ZHANG Xue-feng, WU Liang, WANG Yu, LIU Jian-ming, YANG Qiang
    2017, 37(4): 41-47.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemical signatures,zircon U-Pb dating and tectonic significance of the Yangfanggou diorite mass in the Muli region,southwestern Sichuan
    ZENG Qiang, LIU Hong-qiang, ZHU Hua, SHEN Fei
    2017, 37(4): 48-57.
    Abstract PDF
    Carbon isotope chemostratigraphy of the Lower Permian Dingjiazhai Formation in the Baoshan Block,Yunnan
    LUO Liang, WANG Dong-bing, YIN Fu-guang, REN Fei, NING Kuo-bu
    2017, 37(4): 58-68.
    Abstract PDF
    The southward extension and exploration potential of the Yangla copper deposit in the middle part of the Nujiang-Lancangjiang-Jinshajiang metallogenic zone in southwestern China: An approach
    YANG Jian-bo, HUANG Gao-sheng, WANG Chao-yong, XIA Guo-ti, FAN Li-gang, HE Feng-ji
    2017, 37(4): 69-76.
    Abstract PDF
    Mineralization and potential of the copper deposits in the Heinishao Formation in the eastern part of Lijiang,northwestern Yunnan
    WANG Ping, LIU Hui-long, LUO Bo, CHEN Xue-feng
    2017, 37(4): 77-83.
    Abstract PDF
    Structural deformation of the Jiajika dome in western Sichuan
    WU Wen-hui, ZHAN Han-yu, QIN Yu-long, LI Zheng, XU Yun-feng, SHEN Wei
    2017, 37(4): 84-90.
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery and geological implications of the komatiites in the Luhuo-Daofu rift zone,northwestern Sichuan
    QIN Yu-long, HE Wen-jin, LI Zheng, CHEN Ming
    2017, 37(4): 91-98.
    Abstract PDF
    The effects of seasonal changes on high-power induced polarization exploration of the Xiyi large-scale concealed Pb-Zn deposit in Baoshan,Yunnan
    Wu Wen-Xian, Zeng Qin-Qin, Liao Guo-Zhong, Askar, Deng Ke
    2017, 37(4): 99-106.
    Abstract PDF
    Remote sensing information extraction of alteration anomalies in the Jiufang region,Yunnan,southwestern China: A case study
    GAO Hui, WU Wen-xian, ZHANG Jian-long
    2017, 37(4): 107-112.
    Abstract PDF