The southward extension and exploration potential of the Yangla copper deposit in the middle part of the Nujiang-Lancangjiang-Jinshajiang metallogenic zone in southwestern China: An approach
Graphical Abstract
The Yangla copper deposit in northwestern Yunnan is the largest copper deposit in the Nujiang-Lancangjiang-Jinshajiang metallogenic zone. Referenced to the previous results in integration with the surficial and deep-seated engineering results,the present paper gives a comparative study of the mineralization and geological conditions of the Yangla copper deposit and the southern Tongjige,Suiding and Jiaren copper deposits (ore spots) on the basis of regional strata,structures,magmatic rocks,geophysics,geochemistry and interpretation of remote sensing images. The authors in this study contend that the Yangla copper deposit is extended southwards indeed. The detailed study focuses on the metallogenic conditions,ore-controlling factors,mineralization distribution,and a mineralization model is presented for the areas south of the Yangla copper deposit. Two exploration targets have been distinguished,including the Geri-Tongjige and Suiding-Jiaren exploration targets.