Controlling factors of the Carboniferous volcanic reservoirs in the Chunhui Oil Field, Junggar Basin
Graphical Abstract
The Chunhui Oil Field in the Junggar Basin lies in the western part of the Halaalate Mountain tectonic zone, in which the Carboniferous volcanic strata consist dominantly of the volcanic rocks such as tuff, andesite, basalt and volcanic breccias. There is a positive correlation between the hydrocarbon enrichment and reservoir development in the Carboniferous volcanic reservoir rocks from the Chunhui Oil Field. The distribution and development of the volcanic reservoir rocks are primarily controlled by lithofacies, lithology and tectonism. On the whole, the lithofacies may exercise a major control on lithology of the volcanic reservoir rocks, which, in turn, may control the reservoir spaces types. The volcanic rocks in the Chunhui Oil Field exhibit a trend of the girdle pattern of lithofacies changes from the explosive facies through the effusive facies to the volcano-sedimentary facies. The reservoir capacity is gradually getting poor and poor from volcanic breccias to basalt and andesite and finally to tuff. The tectonism is also believed to be a major control on the fissure development and dissolution. The structural stress may give rise to the formation of the cracks or fissures in the brittle rocks, which may greatly improve the reservoir spaces of the Carboniferous volcanic reservoir rocks in the study area.