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    Present-day crustal motion on the eastern Tibet Plateau and its adjacent areas
    LIU Yu-ping, CHEN Zhi-liang, TANG Wen-qing, ZHAO Ji-xiang, ZHANG Xuan-yang, ZHANG Qing-zhi, Robert W. King, Burrcel C. Burchfiel, Leigh H. Royden
    2003, 23(4): 1-8.
    Abstract PDF
    An approach to the crustal velocities in southern China
    ZHENG Qi-sen, ZHU Jie-shou, XUAN Rui-qing, CAI Xue-lin
    2003, 23(4): 9-13.
    Abstract PDF
    Sequence stratigraphy of the Late Cambrian strata on the North China platform and the correlation of the sea-level changes with the North America platform
    MEI Ming-xiang, MA Yong-sheng
    2003, 23(4): 14-26.
    Abstract PDF
    Sequence stratigraphic division of the Upper Sinian-Lower Cambrian strata in the Cili-Dayong region, northwestern Hunan
    LI Zhong-xiong, WANG Jian, DUAN Tai-zhong, GAO Yong-hua
    2003, 23(4): 27-33.
    Abstract PDF
    The correlation of sedimentary facies and palaeogeography and ground water from the Cretaceous strata in the Ordos Basin
    LI Ming-hui, WANG Jian, XIE Yuan, MAO Yu
    2003, 23(4): 34-40.
    Abstract PDF
    The exposed and unexposed shoals and their bearings on the carbonate reservoirs in the Feixianguan Formation in the northeastern part of the Sichuan Basin
    ZENG Ping, TAN Qin-yin, YU Qian, MOU Chuan-long
    2003, 23(4): 41-45.
    Abstract PDF
    The correlation of erosion and deposition as a basis for the stratigraphic (division) of continental basins
    CAI Xiong-fei, ZHANG Ze-jun, GU Yan-sheng, QIN Song-xian
    2003, 23(4): 46-49.
    Abstract PDF
    Geological times and sedimenrtary facies of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic “red basins” in the Xiushui and Wuning regions, northwestern Jiangxi
    ZHANG Xiong-hua, ZHANG Ze-jun
    2003, 23(4): 50-55.
    Abstract PDF
    The petrology of the volcanic rocks in Tengchong, Yunnan
    CHEN Ting-fang
    2003, 23(4): 56-61.
    Abstract PDF
    Petrography and geochemistry of the Cretaceous volcanic rocks in Tingri, southern Xizang
    ZOU Guang-fu, ZHU Tong-xing, JIA Bao-jiang, LI Jian-zhong, FENG Xin-tao, ZHOU Ming-kui
    2003, 23(4): 62-67.
    Abstract PDF
    The planar distribution and significance of the organic reefs in the Lower Cretaceous Nangshan Formation in the Coqen Basin, Xizang
    CHEN Ming, WANG Jian, TAN Fu-wen, DU Bai-wei
    2003, 23(4): 68-70.
    Abstract PDF
    Structural deformation and dynamic mechanisms of the Bayan Har (foreland) basin in the Yinshishan region, Qinghai
    BAI Dao-yuan, XIONG Yan-wang, CHEN Jian-chao, LIU Wei
    2003, 23(4): 71-78.
    Abstract PDF
    Free thermal convection and subsidence of the Panxi (intracontinental) (rift) (basin)
    YIN Fu-guang
    2003, 23(4): 79-83.
    Abstract PDF
    An approach to the gas sources in the Lower Palaeozoic reservoir rocks in the Ordos Basin
    WANG Zheng-jiang, XU Xiao-song
    2003, 23(4): 84-90.
    Abstract PDF
    Stochastic modeling for the reservoir rocks of the Pingbei Oil Field, northern Shaanxi
    LI Shao-hua, ZHANG Chang-min, PENG Yu-lin, ZHANG Shang-feng, CHEN Xin-min, YAO Feng-ying
    2003, 23(4): 91-95.
    Abstract PDF
    Oil and gas sources from the Luliang Oil Field in the Junggar Basin, (Xinjiang)
    WU Xin-he, YIN Hai-sheng, WANG Cheng-shan
    2003, 23(4): 96-102.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemistry of the trace elements from the Baiyangping silver polymetallic deposit in Lanping, Yunnan
    WANG Feng, HE Ming-you
    2003, 23(4): 103-107.
    Abstract PDF
    An approach to the enrichment of the interwell residual oil
    WU Jian-tang, YU Qian
    2003, 23(4): 108-110.
    Abstract PDF