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    The mineralogy and ages of the Yarlung Zangbo ophiolitic mélange zone in the Namjagbarwa area,Xizang
    GENG Quan-ru, PAN Gui-tang, ZHENG Lai-lin, SUN Zhi-ming, OU Chun-sheng, DONG Han, WANG Xiao-wei
    2004, 24(2): 1-7.
    Abstract PDF
    The subdivision of the Namjagbarwa Group Complex within the eastern Himalayan syntaxis,Xizang
    SUN Zhi-ming, GENG Quan-ru, LOU Xiong-ying, ZHENG Lai-lin, LI Sheng, LIAO Guang-yu
    2004, 24(2): 8-15.
    Abstract PDF
    The Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the Chibuzhang Lake area in the Qiangtang area
    WEI Jun-qi, WANG Jian-xiong, NIU Zhi-jun
    2004, 24(2): 16-21.
    Abstract PDF
    Peraluminous granites: insights from recent developments with discussions on the peraluminous granites in Xizang
    LIAO Zhong-li, MO Xuan-xue, PAN Gui-tang, ZHU Di-cheng, WANG Li-quan, ZHAO Zhi-dan, JIANG Xin-sheng
    2004, 24(2): 22-29.
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery and significance of the Middle Permian adakites along the Huandong River north of the Xijir Ulan Lake,Qinghai
    ZHU Ying-tang, YIN Hai-sheng, WANG Qiang, YANG Yan-xing, GUO Tong-zhen, PENG Wei
    2004, 24(2): 30-34.
    Abstract PDF
    The research and mapping of volcanic associations: An example from the volcanic rocks in the Comai-Boindoi zone,Xizang
    LIU Qing-hong, LIAO Si-ping, HUANG Chuan-guan
    2004, 24(2): 35-40.
    Abstract PDF
    The sporopollen fossils from the Permian barren strata in the Chalukou region,Karakorum,Xinjiang
    CUI Jian-tang, WANG Ju-chuan, BIAN Xiao-wei, PENG Hai-lian, YANG Ke-jian, ZHU Hai-ping
    2004, 24(2): 41-44.
    Abstract PDF
    The palaeoclimatic changes since 13 ka as revealed by sporopollen assemblages in the Yanghu region,northern Xizang
    HUANG Yong, MOU Shi-yong, HE Yong-zhong, ZHU Xun, CHEN Ren
    2004, 24(2): 45-50.
    Abstract PDF
    The biohermites in the Qiangtang Basin and their sedimentary model
    LUO Jian-ning, ZHU Zhong-fa, XIE Yuan, FENG Xin-tao, YE He-fei, LI Yong-tie, SHEN Qi-ming, TONG Zhen-yan
    2004, 24(2): 51-62.
    Abstract PDF
    The biotic fossils from the Upper Carboniferous Zhouying Formation in the Xichuan district,southwestern Henan
    PEI Zhong-chao, ZHU Guang-bin, YANG Zhen-jun
    2004, 24(2): 63-69.
    Abstract PDF
    Tectonic evolution and its bearings to the oil and gas with in the central Tarim uplift of the Tarim Basin,Xinjiang
    ZHANG Xiao-bin, ZHAO Xi-kui
    2004, 24(2): 70-75.
    Abstract PDF
    The controlling factors and processes for the formation of the secondary porosity of the deep-seated reservoir rocks in the Bonan depression,Shandong
    WU Fu-qiang, NING Xing-xian
    2004, 24(2): 76-82.
    Abstract PDF
    High-resolution sequence stratigraphy of the Chang-62 oil beds of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Pingbei Oil Field,northern Shaanxi
    DAN Wei-dong, ZHANG Chang-min, ZHANG Shang-feng, LUO Shun-she, PANG Jin-lian
    2004, 24(2): 83-86.
    Abstract PDF
    Outer-fan deposits in the Jilin Formation in northern Jiangxi
    CAI Xiong-fei, ZHANG Ze-jun, GONG Yi-ming
    2004, 24(2): 87-91.
    Abstract PDF
    Redissolution of native gold from the Mazhala gold-antimony deposit in southern Xizang
    LIU Min, HUANG Yun-jie
    2004, 24(2): 92-95.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary organic facies: current research and applications
    LI Jun-wen, CHEN Hong-de, TIAN Jing-chun, HOU Zhong-jian
    2004, 24(2): 96-100.
    Abstract PDF
    Astronomical events and its bearings on the breakup of Pangea during the latest Permian
    FU Heng, LI Xue-lan, KUANG Bi-xiang
    2004, 24(2): 101-105.
    Abstract PDF
    The RSMAP software for remote-sensing image processing: its testing and application
    ZHANG Jing-hua, LIN Shi-liang
    2004, 24(2): 106-109.
    Abstract PDF