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    Origin of the Jurassic dolostone reservoirs in the Qiangtang Basin on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau
    PENG Zhi-min, LIAO Zhong-li, CHEN Ming, LIU Jian-qing, ZHANG Yu-jie, CHEN Wen-bin, CONG Feng
    2008, 28(4): 1-6.
    Abstract PDF
    Petroleum Geology and exploration prospects in the Cenezoic continental basins in the northern part of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau
    SUN Xia, YIN Hai-sheng, LIN Jin-hui, ZHOU Ken-ken, LI Jun-peng, HUANG Hua-gu
    2008, 28(4): 7-13.
    Abstract PDF
    Restoration of organic matter abundances in the source rocks from the Damintun depression
    LU Xiang-yang
    2008, 28(4): 14-17.
    Abstract PDF
    Isotopic dating techniques and their applications to the geochronology of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation:An overview
    CAI Li-mei, CHEN Hong-han, LI Zhao-qi, WU You
    2008, 28(4): 18-23.
    Abstract PDF
    Controls of the Tethyan tectonic evolution on the hydrocarbon accumulation in Northwest Africa
    WAN Zhi-feng, XIA Bin, CAI Zhou-rong, LIU Ping, ZHANG Yi
    2008, 28(4): 24-27.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary facies model for the Lower Cretaceous gravity flow deposits in the southern sag of the Uliastai depression
    FENG Xing-lei, MA Li-xiang, XIE Cong-jiao, TU Zhi-jie, GUO Fa-jun
    2008, 28(4): 28-35.
    Abstract PDF
    Ordovician contourites in northern Helan aulacogen,northern China
    DING Hai-jun
    2008, 28(4): 36-43.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary microfacies in the Paleogene Hetaoyuan Formation,Nanyang depression
    LI Hai-yan
    2008, 28(4): 44-49.
    Abstract PDF
    Holocene sedimentary environments in Central Pacific Ocean
    YANG Rui
    2008, 28(4): 50-56.
    Abstract PDF
    Provenance analysis of the Yanchang Formation in eastern Gansu,Ordos Basin
    WU Xiao-bin, SUN Wei, WANG Jin-jun
    2008, 28(4): 57-61.
    Abstract PDF
    Metallogenic series of the lead-zinc deposits in the central and southern parts of the Nujiang-Lancangjiang-Jinshajiang metallogenic belt in southwestern China
    ZHU Hua-ping, FAN Wen-yu, GAO Da-fa, ZHANG Lin-kui
    2008, 28(4): 62-68.
    Abstract PDF
    Enrichment of the dispersed elements Cd,Ge and Ga in the Huize lead-zinc deposit,Yunnan
    WANG Qian, GU Xue-xiang, FU Shao-hong, ZHANG Ming, LI Fa-yuan
    2008, 28(4): 69-73.
    Abstract PDF
    Silver polymetallic mineralization and exploration potential in the Raojiashan region,Jiangxi
    DONG Guang-yu, ZHAO Zhi-gang, LUO Mao-jin
    2008, 28(4): 74-81.
    Abstract PDF
    Geology and exploration prospects of the Dabaoshan copper deposit in Pengzhou,Sichuan
    MAO Hong-Jiang, LIANG Jing
    2008, 28(4): 82-87.
    Abstract PDF
    Preliminary study of debris flows and their influence on the Heigou gully,Lengqi,Luding,Sichuan
    LI Zong-liang, WEI Lun-wu, YANG Quan-zhong, WANG De-wei, CHANG Xiao-jun, CHENG Yu-liang
    2008, 28(4): 88-92.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemistry and provenance analysis of the Middle Jurassic sandstones in the Mohe Basin,Heilongjiang
    HE Zhong-hua, WANG Yu-fen, HOU Wei
    2008, 28(4): 93-100.
    Abstract PDF
    Triassic trace fossils from Dinggye and Tingri,Xizang and their geological significance
    ZHANG Xiao-bao, ZHANG Xiong-hua, QIE Wen-kun, ZHANG Yang
    2008, 28(4): 101-105.
    Abstract PDF
    Discovery and significance of the Luhuo-Dawu ophiolites in western Sichuan
    ZHANG Kuan-zhong, LI Zhen-jiang, HUANG Cheng, XU Gang
    2008, 28(4): 106-110.
    Abstract PDF