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    Palaeogene sedimentary evolution in the Xitieshan-Changshanliang region,northern Qaidam Basin
    SONG Bo-wen, ZHANG Ke-xin, JI Jun-liang, ZHANG Jian-yu, CHEN Rui-ming, YE He, WANG Chao-wen
    2010, 30(1): 1-10.
    Abstract PDF
    Outcrop sequence stratigraphy of the Middle-Lower Triassic strata in the Huaxi region,Guiyang,Guizhou
    SHI Guo, TIAN Jing-chun, YU Mei-yi
    2010, 30(1): 11-17.
    Abstract PDF
    Origin of the ripple marks from the Xujiajuan Formation of the Xiangshan Group in Ningxia
    LI Hua, HE You-bin, LI Xiang-dong, LUO Jin-xiong, ZHENG Zhao-chang
    2010, 30(1): 18-24.
    Abstract PDF
    Genesis and sedimentary environments of the ferruginous ooids from the Majiaoba Formation in northern Longmen Mountains,Sichuan
    WU Xiang-feng, YI Hai-sheng, HUI Bo, YANG Wei, DU Qiu-ding
    2010, 30(1): 25-31.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary characteristics of the Sinian Dengying Formation in Pengshui,Chongqing
    ZHAO Zhan, LIU BO, LIU Jian-qing, QIU Dong-zhou, WANG Zheng-jiang, YANG Ping, ZHUO Jie-wen
    2010, 30(1): 32-39.
    Abstract PDF
    New knowledge of the Bouma sequences
    RAN Bo, WANG Cheng-shan, LI Xiang-hui
    2010, 30(1): 40-43.
    Abstract PDF
    Diagenesis and diagenetic reservoir facies of the low-permeability reservoirs in the Baibao Oil Field,Changqing
    WANG Xiao-jie, PENG Shi-mi, ZHAO Wen-guang
    2010, 30(1): 44-48.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary microfacies and hydrocarbon distribution in the lower member of the Chang-6 oil measures in the Wangyao-Houshui-Xinghe-Pingqiao zone,Ansai Oil Field,Shaanxi
    LENG Dan-feng, WANG Xiao-jun, CHEN Tang-suo, LI Jie, GE Xiao-rui
    2010, 30(1): 49-53.
    Abstract PDF
    Methods and application of seismic sedimentology:An overview
    CHEN Xu, CHEN Hong-han, DONG Yu-wen, CAI Li-mei
    2010, 30(1): 54-60.
    Abstract PDF
    Lithology and effects of the sandstones on the hydrocarbon reservoirs in the fourth member of the Quantou Formation in western Longhupao region,Songliao Basin
    LIAN Cheng-bo, ZHONG Jian-hua, YANG Yu-fang, QU Fang, YANG Jun
    2010, 30(1): 61-66.
    Abstract PDF
    Reservoir-seal associations and hydrocarbon potential of the lower member of the Palaeogene Xiaganchaigou Formation in the Wunan-Lucaotan region,western Qaidam Basin,Qinghai
    YI Ding-hong, WANG Bin-ting, CAO Zheng-lin, PEI Ming-li, LIU Ying-ru
    2010, 30(1): 67-72.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary characteristics of the Devonian Donghe Sandstones in Tuoputai on the southwestern margin of the Akutule uplift,Xinjiang
    ZHAI Zhen-fei, FU Heng
    2010, 30(1): 73-77.
    Abstract PDF
    Enrichment of the dispersed elements Cd,Ge and Ga in the Daliangzi lead-zinc deposit,Huidong,Sichuan
    WANG Qian, AN Yun-ling, GU Xue-xiang, FU Shao-hong, LI Fa-yuan, YANG Hong-ying
    2010, 30(1): 78-84.
    Abstract PDF
    Sm-Nd age dating of garnet from the Heiniudong copper deposit in the Liwu copper mining district,western Sichuan
    ZHU Xiang-ping, FENG Xiao-liang, YAO Peng, ZHANG Hui-hua, MA Dong-fang, HU Ru-quan, TANG Gao-lin
    2010, 30(1): 85-88.
    Abstract PDF
    Physical modeling of the effects of surface configurations on structural features of thrust zones
    XIE Yu-hua, ZHAO Kun, ZHOU Jian-xun, WANG Li, WANG Xue-qin
    2010, 30(1): 89-92.
    Abstract PDF
    Cratering events in the Japan Sea and tectonic evolution of East Asia during the Cenozoic
    FU Heng, FANG Xiao-lu, JIANG Shao-zhen
    2010, 30(1): 93-97.
    Abstract PDF
    Simulation experiments of the rainfall-induced landslides in China:insights and foresights
    CHANG Xiao-jun, WANG De-wei, TANG Ye-qi
    2010, 30(1): 98-102.
    Abstract PDF
    Rock mass types and their bearings on the geologic hazards in the Luding region,Sichuan
    LI Zong-liang, BA Ren-ji, Ni Hua-yong, LIU Yu-jie, TANG Yi-qi, Song Zhi
    2010, 30(1): 103-108.
    Abstract PDF
    An application of GPS monitoring:A case study of the Yakaze landslide in Suopo village,Danba,Sichuan
    ZHANG Qing-zhi, ZHENG Wan-mo, LIU Yu-ping, DENG Guo-shi
    2010, 30(1): 109-112.
    Abstract PDF