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    Sedimentary facies and evolution of the second member of the Palaeogene Dainan Formation in the deep area of eastern Gaoyou depression,North Jiangsu Basin
    YAO Yu-lai, LIN Chun-ming, GAO Li-kun, LIU Yu-rui, MA Ying-jun, LI Yan-li, ZHANG Xia, ZHANG Zhi-ping
    2010, 30(2): 1-10.
    Abstract PDF
    Diagenesis and diagenetic environments of the carbonate rocks from the Middle Jurassic Buqu Formation in the eastern Qiangtang Basin on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau
    MA Bo-yong, WANG Gen-hou, LI Shang-lin, DUAN Jun-mei, XU Hong-yan
    2010, 30(2): 11-18.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary characteristics and environments of the Cretaceous deposits from the Laozhu Basin,Lishui,Zhejiang
    LUO Lai, Xiang Fang, TIAN Xin, SONG Jian-chun
    2010, 30(2): 19-25.
    Abstract PDF
    Diagenesis of the Palaeogene clastic rocks in the Raoyang depression
    XU LI-li, GUO Jing-Xing, ZHANG Jian, XI Zhu-gang, ZHANG Yong
    2010, 30(2): 26-31.
    Abstract PDF
    Genesis of the Cambrian-Ordovician dolostones in the eastern Tarim Basin,Xinjiang
    YU Kuan-hong, JIN Zhen-kui
    2010, 30(2): 32-38.
    Abstract PDF
    Stratigraphic characteristics and sedimentary environments of the Upper Triassic Rola Kangri Group Complex on the northern margin of North Qiangtang continental block
    JIN Can-hai, ZHU Tong-xing, YU Yuan-shan, ZHOU Bang-guo, FENG Xin-tao
    2010, 30(2): 39-46.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemistry of the source rocks in the Huainan foreland thrust zone
    JIANG Fu-jie, WU Li
    2010, 30(2): 47-49.
    Abstract PDF
    Hydrocarbon accumulation in the third member of the Qingshankou Formation in the Wukeshu region,western Songliao Basin
    LIU Chang-li, ZHU Xiao-min, YANG Guang, LIAO Fei-yan, FENG Xiao-bo
    2010, 30(2): 50-54.
    Abstract PDF
    Basin modeling techniques and application of the BasinMod software
    YUAN Kun, CHEN Bin-tao, YU Xing-he, LI Sheng-li
    2010, 30(2): 55-60.
    Abstract PDF
    Provenances of the Chang-6 oil measures in the Huaqing region,Ordos Basin
    LI Peng-fei, XU Lun-Xun, LI Jian-ming
    2010, 30(2): 61-65.
    Abstract PDF
    A new method to estimate original organic carbon in the marine argillaceous source rocks according to Mo-TOC correlation:An example from the Cretaceous marine mudstones and shales in southern Xizang
    XIONG Guo-qing, JIANG Xin-sheng, WU Hao
    2010, 30(2): 66-72.
    Abstract PDF
    Reservoir characteristics and exploration in the Peng-2 gas pool of the Majing Gas Field,western Sichuan
    WU Qiang, CHEN De-you, LI Jiong
    2010, 30(2): 73-77.
    Abstract PDF
    Metallogenic tectonic settings of porphyry Cu-(Mo-Au) deposits and their exploration significance:An overview
    QIN Jian-hua, DING Jun, LIU Cai-ze, ZHANG Qi-ming
    2010, 30(2): 78-83.
    Abstract PDF
    Geology and genesis of the Heiniudong copper-zinc deposit in Jiulong,Sichuan
    MA Guo-tao, MA Dong-fang, GAO Da-fa, WANG Ming-jie, LI Jian-zhong, YAO Peng, ZHU Xiang-ping, CHEN Min-hua, LIANG Jing
    2010, 30(2): 84-90.
    Abstract PDF
    Geology and genesis of the Zhongzui copper deposit in Jiulong,Sichuan
    LI Tong-zhu, FENG Xiao-liang, ZHANG Hui-hua, WU Zhen-bo, TANG Gao-lin, XIA Xiang-biao
    2010, 30(2): 91-96.
    Abstract PDF
    Geology and genesis of the Yaguila lead-zinc deposit in Xizang
    GAO Ming, ZHANG Shao-bo, YUE Guo-li
    2010, 30(2): 97-102.
    Abstract PDF
    Ore-forming fluids and ore genesis of the Dahu gold deposit in the Xiaoqinling gold field
    CHEN Li, MAO Jing-wen, YE Hui-shou
    2010, 30(2): 103-107.
    Abstract PDF
    Filling-cemented cataclastic rock masses:Genetic mechanism and engineering geology
    ZHOU Hong-fu, NIE De-xin, WEI Yu-ting
    2010, 30(2): 108-112.
    Abstract PDF